What are YOUR gifts, and fruits, and works of the Holy Spirit?


What are YOUR gifts, and fruits, and works of the Holy Spirit?


Jesus gives me these things with which to serve HIM!


This is NOT boasting!


Because Jesus has done these things for me, and through me, for HIS glory!
I could NOT do any of this without Jesus leading me!
Therefore, I am NOT boasting what I have done.




Here is what Jesus has taught me over the many years that I have served Him:


01. Loving Jesus and ALL people!
02. Words of knowledge
03. Prophecies
04. Revelations
05. Healings
06. Teaching
07. Preaching
08. Learning
09. Giving
10. Caring
11. Praise
12. Worshiping Jesus
13. Dreams
14. One vision in 1993
15. Longsuffering
16. Patience
17. Wisdom
18. Understanding
19. Discernment
20. Power
21. Strength
22. Joy
23. Jesus making Born Again by making me into a New Creature
24. Changing me from glory to glory, escaping various sins
25. Speaking in tongues (Unknown Tongues)
26. Baptized in Jesus’ name
27. Comforting the poor, and giving to the poor
28. Visitations
29. Studying the Holy Bible
30. Prayer
31. Fellowship
32. Bible Study
33. Deliverance
34. The JESUS IS GOD TV, JESUSisGODtv, sites since 1998
35. My Facebook groups
36. 3D Christian building in ActiveWorlds
37. Soul winning in the streets
38. Soul winning from door to door
39. Prayer vigils
40. Writing many study documents for Jesus and mankind
41. Growing Spiritually by the Holy Mind and Holy Spirit of Christ!
42. Tithing
43. Ever learning new things, and ever learning the Truth that is IN Jesus Christ!


These are only what I can remember right now!
Jesus does many things in my life in Him, by Him, from Him, and through Him!


I have been Born Again and saved since 1973.
I have had a lot of time to accomplish these things and more.
Jesus has been teaching me to serve Him for over 48 years!


Jesus can use you too!
It does NOT have to take a long time for Jesus to use you.
You too can be a beacon of light for Jesus IMMEDIATELY!

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If you are not yet Born Again, then please go to my webpage on JESUSisGODtv, and ask Jesus to make you Born Again!
That webpage will explain HOW to become Born Again!


How to Become Born Again !


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Hits: 197


Author: SaintlyMic

I am a Born Again Christian Saint! I love Jesus Christ! I love all people! https://JESUSisGOD.tv

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