The 7th Trumpet Rapture !
This is Mickey SaintlyMic Smith’s first book!
This book is about the End of Days, or End Times Eschatology.
This book mainly focuses on the 7th Trumpet Rapture.
I also include other End Times Events in this book.
I am in the midst of creating 4 electronic versions of this book.
All the different PDF versions will be listed below.
This book is too complex to type it into the WordPress editor.
So, I’m just giving links to this electronic book on this page.
This book is being hosted on Google Drive for FREE!
This book is 100% FREE!
Please share this book with as many people as you can!
This first PDF version is 8.5″ X 11″.
You can find it on Google Drive.
You can also find it on my HolyChat.us Website.
This second PDF version is in a Flip Book format.
This third PDF version is 5.5″ X 8.5″.
This version is not yet available.
I’m having trouble resizing the document at this time.
This fourth version is 5.5″ X 8.5″, and is in e-Pub or eBook format.
This version is not yet available.
I’m having trouble resizing the document at this time.
SaintlyMic’s End Times Timeline
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