About JESUSisGOD.tv




JESUSisGOD.tv is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT Christian Ministry Website dedicated to teaching that Jesus is God, and How to become Born Again, and various other doctrines, through the use of documents, charts, and videos.

During the first week in April 2019, JESUSisGOD.tv was destroyed by a Database Cleaning plugin.

As sad as that sounds, it was actually a blessing!

Now the site loads faster and is more accessible, responsive, and mobile ready!

It took 3 years to get the site where it was, so it will be a while before everything is back on the site.

Another plus is people can now make posts that will be on the main page of the website, and Groups are being set up!

Also, registering for membership is now more easily accessible!

If you haven’t already registered please register and become a member.

Member Registration


Thank you very much!



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