Prayers for Bobby 4-14-2019 !

Today Jesus moved me to expand the posts area of the site a little bit.
I added a category called   Prayers for the Sick ! , and I created a new image for that category.

My friend Robert Kozak is very sick.
Please pray for him.
His lungs are failing him.

Kim and I and my friends Nancy and Cody went to see him at the hospital.
He needs prayer for his lungs to work better.

When I talked to him on the phone he was in great anxiety over this, but by the time we got to the hospital his oxygen levels had improved.
Several people at church started praying for him and I believe Jesus has already healed him a little so far!

I have prayed for him already from my mind and my lips, but I will pray for him NOW!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Please heal Bobby, and please deliver him from this sickness!
Please make his lungs work better, and please take away his anxiety and confusion!
Thank You Jesus ! Amen !

To everyone,
Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

MJBYR! – May Jesus Bless You Richly!

Hits: 334


Author: SaintlyMic

I am a Born Again Christian Saint! I love Jesus Christ! I love all people!

1 thought on “Prayers for Bobby 4-14-2019 !


    UPDATE !

    Bobby was delivered from death !

    By the time we got to the hospital Bobby was about to be moved to a room and out of the critical area he was in.


    Please continue to pray for Bobby’s health !

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