Experiencing the Full Presence and Faith of Jesus Christ! By: Mickey Smith - SaintlyMic August 9, 2011 at 9:34 PM . . . First we must explain how humans exist in the Spiritual and in the physical. . . . The spiritual aspect of the human heart is situated within the human soul. The human soul is where we get our emotions and feelings and our desires. The human soul is also our visible self in the invisible spiritual realm. . . . The human mind is where we think, where we calculate, where we store all information, and where we receive and process Spiritual things and thoughts. The human mind is NOT the same part as the human brain. . . . The human brain is where we gather information and stimuli from the physical, and the human brain is used to govern and control our fleshly bodies. The human brain is also used to communicate and relay information to and from our human minds and our human souls. . . . The human spirit is that part of us which gives us life, and which communicates spiritual things to our human minds and to our human souls. The human spirit is that part of us which communicates with God spiritual things that we cannot grasp or know using our human minds or human brains. And, the human spirit is that part of us which makes us aware of God. . . . When Adam and Eve sinned against God their human spirits became dead to God, and their souls were given the sentence of eternal death. This made it impossible for us to be able to communicate with God on our own, and made it impossible for us to reason with God on our own, or to even be able to be aware of God's presence on our own. . . . The only way a person could be made aware of God was by God communicating with that person personally, but the sin within us separated us from God and moved God to not communicate with us. Even so, God has continued to love us since before He even created us. . . . Most people who mentioned God were usually only doing so by word of mouth from other human beings, but not because God was communicating with them. Even so, most people never seek out God to know God, and so throughout history since Adam and Eve the presence of God has remained hidden to most human beings. Until Jesus came and died for the sins of mankind, mankind was limited in knowing God, and was limited in being able to relate and reason with God. . . . When a person hates their sins, and they seek to know God on a personal level, then God responds in varying degrees in relation to their earnest desire to actually want a relationship with God. However, until a person accepts Jesus Christ as their LORD, GOD, and SAVIOR no human being honestly has any hope of being set free from the merciless aggressive and destructive ways of sin and death. . . . By accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior He is more than capable to give eternal life back to your human spirit, and to your human soul, and to your human mind. Your entire spiritual being is given eternal life when you accept Jesus as your Savior. You are changed into a new creature, and you become a new living soul. . . . The newly created spiritual aspects of your newly created spiritual self are those spiritual aspects which relate to God in the Spirit. It’s your human spirit and your human mind which communes with God's Mind, Soul, and Holy Spirit. . . . Because Jesus changed you into an eternal spiritual being you are then able to hear from God through your human spirit and your human mind, and you can feel God through your human soul. God uses your changed human spirit to communicate spiritually to your changed human mind, and He makes you feel Him through your human soul. . . . God also places within you His Own Mind, His Own Soul, and His Own Spirit. His Mind, His Soul, and His Spirit all teach you constantly and simultaneously, and each of these parts of God communicate in different ways. . . . God communicates His Will and His Plans using His Mind. God communicates His Emotions, His Feelings, and His Desires using His Soul. And God relays and relates all these things to us using His Holy Spirit. It is also God’s Holy Spirit which gives you New Life, and this New Life is the very Life of God Himself! . . . Your human soul rejoices at the presence of Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit, and you begin to feel and experience the true presence of God, and you begin to experience the awe and awesome wonder of God's Mind, Soul, and Spirit communing with your entire being. Even your old sinful flesh cannot escape the marvelous presence of Jesus Christ! . . . Many people do NOT know these things, and this is mostly because most people are NOT truly saved and born again. And some people do not know these things because they fail to either ask to know these things, or because they do not know that they can know and experience these things. If you read all of this, and you want all of this, then there is only one way and one person who can make it possible for you to live in this wonderful way of living in Christ Jesus. . . . YOU MUST ASK JESUS TO FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR SINS, AND YOU MUST ASK JESUS TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SELF. AND THEN JESUS WILL CHANGE YOU IMMEDIATELY! ASK JESUS TO FILL YOU WITH HIS MIND, HIS SOUL, AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT. AND THEN YOU WILL BEGIN TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND HOW AND WHY I CAN KNOW AND UNDERSTAND AND SAY THE THINGS I HAVE SAID. THIS WILL ALL BE MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE ALL OF JESUS CHRIST WILL BE SPIRITUALLY DWELLING WITHIN YOU! . . . YOU CAN HAVE, LOVE, AND EXPERIENCE THE FULL PRESENCE OF JESUS CHRIST, BUT NONE OF THIS WILL HAPPEN UNTIL YOU ASK JESUS TO GIVE HIMSELF TO YOU! . . . HOWEVER, YOU MUST ALSO BE WILLING TO GIVE ALL OF YOURSELF COMPLETELY TO JESUS CHRIST AS WELL. YOU MUST SURRENDER YOUR ENTIRE BEING AND WILL AND SERVICE TO JESUS CHRIST, AND THEN HE WILL FILL YOU COMPLETELY WITH HIS PRESENCE, AND HE WILL LEAD YOU IN THE PATH IN WHICH HE DESIRES YOU TO WALK! . . . AS SOON AS JESUS SAVES YOU AND CHANGES YOU YOUR NEW SELF WILL DESIRE TO KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT YOU NEED TO DO NEXT! I SUBMIT TO YOU THAT YOU NEED TO BE BAPTIZED IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME, BECAUSE THAT IS THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND THE NAME OF THE SON, AND THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! . . . I TELL YOU NOW, JESUS CHRIST IS A VERY LOVING, GIVING, MERCIFUL, GRACIOUS, AND UNDERSTANDING PERSON. IF YOU GIVE YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST YOU WILL LIVE A WONDERFUL AND FULL LIFE! . . . Oh, by the way, that which I explained above is just about all I can explain about the Spiritual aspects which relate to humanity. There is so much more about spirituality that cannot be explained. I know even less about faith. . . . Faith is a mystery, but not entirely a mystery. Jesus has given me faith, and Jesus makes faith available for me to use, but beyond that I do not know much more than that about faith. . . . I equate faith with trust, but Jesus tells me that the two are different. I equate faith with believing, but Jesus tells me that the two are different. . . . I understand faith more than I know about faith. I understand faith better than I can explain faith. . . . It is as if Jesus only gives very small amounts of “faith knowledge” compared to the “faith understanding” that He gives. . . . So what do I do about that? . . . I just exercise the faith I understand, and when I do this I immediately and mysteriously "have faith" in Jesus Christ. I put my faith in Jesus Christ. I trust and believe in Jesus Christ. I obey Jesus Christ the very best I can, and I hope that by being obedient to Jesus Christ that He will be faithful and fulfill His promises! . . . As I trust, believe, and obey Jesus Christ He reveals to me His faithfulness, and through His faithfulness I learn more and more about faith. Being faithful is so much more than just being consistent and honest, and the only way to step beyond what we know about faith is to look up to Jesus and then trust in Him to be faithful. . . . The very first act of faith that we must exercise is to trust and believe that which Jesus tells us in His Holy Bible about Himself. We must first use and exercise that faith that Jesus Christ has already given us. We must first believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless and perfect life, that Jesus Christ gave His life and died for our sins, that Jesus Christ arose from the dead and is alive today, and that Jesus Christ went up to Heaven and will fill us with His Holy Spirit. Once we begin using our faith trusting and believing in those Truths then the seed of faith will have been planted and nurtured, and Christ’s Faith will begin to grow within us. . . . The only thing that can stop the growth of faith is to stop using it. Some aspects of faith will be forgotten if we stop exercising faith. However, other aspects of faith are immediately given back to us when we start using faith again. When Jesus gives back familiar or forgotten aspects relating to the faith we had we start using that forgotten faith again, and this is a revelation of Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness. . . . It is better to never stop growing in faith, but we are only humans who have a sin nature which hates faith, and which tries as hard as it can to not exercise that faith we have been given. Don’t give in to that old sin nature, and keep looking up to Jesus in earnest expectation for that next new growth of faith, and Jesus will indeed add to the faith He has already given you! . . . Some say that you must use blind faith in order to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. This is NOT true! . . . Exercising faith in Jesus Christ is NEVER “blind faith”, and this is because the very essence of Jesus is in the fact that He is the WORD OF GOD. God explains and reveals all that He is through and by His WORD. And since Jesus Christ is the very physical representation of God’s Spiritual Word, then trusting in, believing in, and obeying Jesus Christ is grabbing and taking hold of all that is true concerning God Almighty! . . . Therefore, exercising faith in Jesus Christ is NEVER blind faith. Your lack of knowledge and understanding and wisdom in relation to God and His ways are those things which are blind, but NOT your faith! . . . True blind faith would be when a person just believes in another person, other than Jesus Christ, without doing any research about that person or what they are telling you. True blind faith is just trusting and believing in another human being or being without doing any research in the matter. . . . With Jesus Christ, He gives every person a small measure of His Own Faith. Therefore, exercising faith in Jesus Christ is NOT blind, because Jesus has already made every single individual aware of the presence of Jesus Christ’s Faith, whether they are aware that the faith within them is Jesus Christ’s Faith, or not. . . . Your faith comes from Jesus Christ, and when you apply that faith on and in Jesus Christ then the faith you are using can never be said to be blind faith. The faith you use in Jesus Christ came from Jesus Christ, and when you use His faith it returns back to Jesus Christ. He gives, you use, and then He receives His faith back again from you. This is a never ending cycle of giving, using, and receiving back again. . . . This is wonderful, isn’t it? I THINK SO!!! . . .